When you’re scouring the market for car finance, you’ll often find your credit report mentioned. But why is it important? The better your score, better deals will be available to you. Check yours for free with UK Credit Ratings today.

Checking your credit file allows you to easily view your credit score. This lets you see how likely you are to be accepted, when you do decide to go ahead and apply for finance. By simply registering with UK Credit Ratings for free, you can see your score with zero charge.

Seeing where your score lies lets you decide when is the right time for you to apply for car finance. You may find your credit report is excellent – great stuff! And so you’re happy to go ahead. Or your score could be poor to fair. This may lead you to wait a few weeks until you build your score back up again before applying.

Not only can you check your score for free with UK Credit Ratings, but they’ll also give you tips on how to improve it. Helping you to increase your chances of being accepted. Win win!

Don’t apply for car finance blindly. Let UK Credit Ratings help you view, increase and grow your score today. Find more tips & tricks on how to improve your chances of being approved for car finance on the motorly blog.

Register with UK Credit Ratings today

*Free 14 day trial. If you wish you continue using the service, the monthly subscription is only £19.95. Cancel anytime during the trial with no charge.